If debut is a girl’s introduction to society, then prom night is a senior student’s introduction to the world of dating. Most high school students usually go on date groups to avoid being scolded by their parents. Others go on dates without their parents’ knowledge.

What makes prom night doubly exciting and a memorable event for high schools seniors is the fact that dating during the prom is legal from the point of view of parents. Most seniors who are not yet allowed to go on dates are formally permitted by their parents to go out on a date during this time. The problem is, some seniors who concentrate on their studies and did not go on secret dates now have the problem of choosing their partners or dates for the prom night.

If you have a steady group of friends whom you have known since first grade, it is easy to get a reference for a date. You can even choose from among your friends. Senior guys find it easier to get prom dates because they can always choose junior girls who think it is an addition to their persona if they are out on a date with senior guys. It is more often the girls who have a hard time finding prom dates. Numerous boys and girls are waiting to be asked for the prom. How does one choose a prom date?

Careful planning

Prom night is announced several months ahead of schedule to allow preparation among the seniors, not only in terms of the decoration and the whole event but also in prom dates. Before the prom date announcement, you must already prepare a strategy to make your prom night memorable.

If you already have a steady girlfriend or boyfriend, getting a prom date is not a problem with you. If you don’t have anyone yet, then look from among your circle of friends. Do you have a friend you feel relaxed with? Then you can choose him. However, it will have to be a friendly date unless you have a secret crush on this friend.

Your girlfriends can also help you get a prom date by recommending some of their buddies or even their brothers. Start looking around for friends who have brothers who may either be your age or older than you. Somebody from a different school would be okay, for as long as you know his family background and you have made sure he does not jack the ripper.

Have a crush on someone? Why not invite that someone for the prom? Who knows, this may be the start of a special friendship between you two. Just make sure that the person you are inviting for the prom does not already have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend, as this would lessen the possibility of your invitation being accepted.

You have to prepare a set of criteria for your choice of a prom date. First of all, you must go out with someone you already know or someone your friends know. This is to make sure that you are safe in the hands of your date. This should be a primordial consideration due to the frequency of date rape nowadays.

Next, you have to choose someone whom you are comfortable with. Prom night is supposed to be fun, and you do not want it to turn out a disaster just because you cannot be yourself with the guy or gal you are going out with. If you can relax with your prom date, you will surely have a nice prom night. Choose somebody you can have fun with and who will make your prom night memorable.

A prom date that is already known to your parents will make the whole night out easy. For starters, he will not be harassed by your parents when he picks you up during prom night. Your parents will also have a better night waiting for you if they know that you are going out with someone they know to be a decent person.

You may have the best prom night attire or the best make-up, but if you do not have a date you are comfortable with, your prom night will surely be less than fun. And what is prom night except a night to have fun? So, go get your checklist now and start choosing your prom date!